Last week, my Havruta and I spoke about this table:
R' Meir | B'Shogeg Yokhal | B'Mezid Lo Yokhal | ||
R' Yehuda | B'Shogeg Yokhal B'Motzei Shabbat | B'Mezid Lo Yokhal Olamit | ||
R' Yohanan HaSandler | B'Shogeg Yokhal B'Motzei Shabbat l'aherim | B'Shogeg Lo Yokhal lo | B'Mezid Lo Yokhal l'aherim | B'Mezid Lo Yokhal lo |
So, this week, we began looking through רש"י -- Rashi -- on this ברייתה -- Breita.
According to רש"י -- Rashi -- רבי מיאר -- Rabbi Meir holds that, in a case of cooking on שבת בשוגג -- Shabbat B'Shogeg, even the person who did the cooking can eat it on that day (שבת -- Shabbat) and he doesn't have to wait until after שבת -- Shabbat and certainly doesn't have to wait כדי שיעשו -- K'Dei She'ya'asu -- the time it would take to do what was done on שבת -- Shabbat after שבת -- Shabbat.
Since the גמרא -- Gemara doesn't mention כדי שיעשו -- K'Dei She'ya'asu -- here, not in the actual גמרא -- Gemara -- or in the משנה -- Mishna.
So we found a note near the רש"י -- Rashi -- commentary on יאכל -- yokhal -- that referred to a gemara in (ערובין (דף מ -- eiruvin daf 40. In this גמרא -- Gemara -- there is a short segment that speaks about Gentiles who cut הדס -- Hadass -- Myrtle branches -- for some [Jewish] men (called, in the גמרא -- Gemara, בני גננא B'nei ganana) -- who used them to decorate canopy beds for grooms -- רבינא -- Ravina -- says that they can't use the branches because they aren't בני תורה -- B'nei Tora. -- רבא בר תחליפא Rava bar Tahlipha asks why specifically because they aren't -- B'nei Tora -- would it be any different, he asks, if they were -- B'nei Tora?
This is the spot where כדי שיעשו -- K'Dei She'ya'asu is mentioned. In this, and all other spots we could find in the גמרא -- Gemara -- that mention כדי שיעשו -- K'Dei She'ya'asu it always refers to work done by Gentiles for Jews on שבת -- Shabbat.
So if we go back to the רש"י -- Rashi from before, רבי מיאר -- Rabbi Meir doesn't hold that כדי שיעשו -- K'Dei She'ya'asu refers to מלאכה Melakha done by Gentiles on שבת -- Shabbat but to Melakha done by Jews on שבת -- Shabbat במיזיד -- B'Mezid.
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